The FoNC is formed

The Friends of Newbold Comyn became a fully constituted group on 26 June 2023.

This is a group for people who love and value Newbold Comyn, and want to ensure that it’s managed in a way that protects its future from further development.

We want the Comyn to remain a community space where you can relax and exercise in an environment that’s safe, accessible and protected.

The FoNC want to ensure that:
  • The natural green space, habitat and character of Newbold Comyn is protected
  • There remains fair and unimpeded access for all users, and that all users have an equal opportunity to enjoy the natural surroundings and open space
  • The interests of nature, the environment and people are protected, and that use of the Comyn is not to the detriment of habitats, species or other users
  • The archaeological and heritage assets of the Comyn are protected and preserved.

To find out more, or to join the Friends of Newbold Comyn, please just get in touch.